This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Apache Apex

Apex Roadmap

Summary of key JIRAs planned for future releases of Apex Core and Malhar.


JIRA Summary Version
APEXCORE-231 Ability to change attributes at runtime
APEXCORE-232 Ability to add new processing code to the DAG
APEXCORE-234 Better application configuration specification
APEXCORE-235 Improve support for batch processing
APEXCORE-289 Encrypted Streams in Apex DAG
APEXCORE-418 Support for Mesos
APEXCORE-724 Support for Kubernetes


JIRA Summary Version
APEXMALHAR-1999 Running a Storm topology on Apex.
APEXMALHAR-2260 Python execution for operator logic
APEXMALHAR-2261 Python binding for high level API
APEXMALHAR-2495 Apex SQL: Add support for windowing